House No. 188, Shop No. 418
4th Floor, Royal Sandesh Dawa Bazar


HYPERNEB 3% RESPULES is a hypertonic saline solution designed for short-term fluid replacement. This solution is particularly useful in managing fluid loss due to trauma and dehydration, helping to quickly restore fluid balance and support the body’s recovery processes.


Hypertonic Saline Solution (3%): A concentrated saline solution that provides a high level of sodium chloride. This hypertonic saline helps to rapidly restore fluid levels in the body, addressing fluid loss from trauma and dehydration effectively.
The solution works by drawing water into the bloodstream from surrounding tissues, thus helping to increase blood volume and support overall fluid balance.

Usage Instructions:
Preparation: Shake the resupule gently before use.
Administration: Open the resupule and pour the solution into an appropriate intravenous infusion bag or device.
Infusion: Administer the solution via intravenous infusion according to medical guidelines and the needs of the patient.
Monitoring: Monitor the patient’s vital signs and fluid balance during administration.
Frequency: Use as directed by a healthcare provider based on the patient’s condition and fluid needs.
Medicinal Advantages:
Rapid Fluid Replacement: Quickly restores fluid levels following trauma or dehydration.
Restores Electrolyte Balance: Helps to replenish sodium levels and maintain electrolyte balance in the body.
Supports Recovery: Provides necessary fluids to support the body’s recovery processes and overall health.
Mechanism of Action:

Osmotic Effect: The high concentration of sodium chloride creates an osmotic gradient that draws water into the bloodstream from surrounding tissues, increasing blood volume.
Fluid Balance: This helps to restore normal fluid balance in the body, which is essential for maintaining proper physiological function and aiding recovery.
Off-Label Uses:
HYPERNEB 3% RESPULES is primarily used for short-term fluid replacement in cases of trauma and dehydration. For any off-label uses, consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate guidance.

Expert Advice:
For optimal results, use HYPERNEB 3% RESPULES under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Regular monitoring of the patient’s fluid status and vital signs is essential to ensure proper administration and effectiveness.

Adhere to Guidelines: Follow dosage and administration guidelines to avoid complications.
Monitor Patient: Continuously monitor vital signs and fluid balance to adjust treatment as necessary.
Consult Healthcare Provider: Inform the healthcare provider of any other medical conditions or medications to avoid potential interactions and ensure safe use.
Storage Conditions:
Store HYPERNEB 3% RESPULES at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep the resupules tightly closed and out of reach of children. Do not freeze.

Q1: How is HYPERNEB 3% RESPULES administered?
A1: It is administered via intravenous infusion. Ensure the solution is prepared and administered by a qualified healthcare provider.

Q2: What should I do if there is an issue with the infusion?
A2: Discontinue the infusion and consult with a healthcare provider immediately if any issues arise during administration.

Q3: Can HYPERNEB 3% RESPULES be used for long-term fluid replacement?
A3: This solution is intended for short-term fluid replacement. For long-term needs, consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate alternatives.

Q4: Are there any specific storage instructions?
A4: Store at room temperature and protect from light and moisture. Do not freeze.

Q5: What should I do if I have missed a dose?
A5: Consult with a healthcare provider for guidance if a dose is missed or if there are concerns about the infusion schedule.


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