House No. 188, Shop No. 418
4th Floor, Royal Sandesh Dawa Bazar


FIDENOX 40 MG is a highly effective anticoagulant designed to prevent and treat blood clots. With its superior formulation, it provides reliable protection against deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, ensuring optimal patient outcomes.:

FIDENOX 40 MG is a low molecular weight heparin used to prevent and treat thromboembolic disorders. Its unique formulation enhances its ability to inhibit clot formation by targeting specific clotting factors in the blood. This targeted action reduces the risk of complications associated with blood clots, making it a crucial medication for managing conditions like deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Usage Instructions:
Preparation: Ensure the injection site is clean and dry.
Dosage: Administer one injection of FIDENOX 40 MG as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
Administration: Inject subcutaneously into the abdomen, avoiding the area around the navel.
Frequency: Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the frequency of injections.
Disposal: Dispose of used needles and syringes safely in a designated sharps container.

Medicinal Advantages:
FIDENOX 40 MG offers significant medicinal benefits by effectively preventing and treating blood clots. It reduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), conditions that can lead to serious complications if untreated. Its low molecular weight formulation allows for a more predictable anticoagulant response compared to standard heparin.

Mechanism of Action:
FIDENOX 40 MG works by inhibiting specific clotting factors in the blood, primarily Factor Xa and, to a lesser extent, Factor IIa. This prevents the formation of fibrin, a key component in clot formation, thereby reducing the likelihood of new clots forming and existing clots growing larger.

Off-Label Uses:
FIDENOX 40 MG may also be used in certain off-label situations such as the prevention of clotting complications in patients undergoing major surgery or those with specific medical conditions not officially listed.

Expert Advice:
For optimal results, use FIDENOX 40 MG precisely as directed by your healthcare provider. Regular monitoring and adherence to prescribed dosages are essential. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment plan.

Bleeding Risk: Monitor for signs of bleeding or unusual bruising. Report any occurrences to your healthcare provider immediately.
Kidney Function: Patients with impaired kidney function may require adjusted doses. Regular kidney function tests are recommended.
Drug Interactions: Be cautious of potential interactions with other medications, especially anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs. Inform your healthcare provider about all medications you are taking.
Storage Conditions:
Store FIDENOX 40 MG at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep it out of reach of children. Do not freeze or use beyond the expiration date.

Q: How often should I take FIDENOX 40 MG?
A: Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the frequency of injections. Typically, it is administered once or twice daily.

Q: What should I do if I miss a dose?
A: If you miss a dose, administer it as soon as you remember. If it’s close to your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your regular schedule. Do not double up on doses.

Q: Are there any common side effects?
A: Common side effects may include mild pain or swelling at the injection site, nausea, or mild fever. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience severe symptoms or signs of bleeding.

Q: Can I use FIDENOX 40 MG during pregnancy?
A: Consult your healthcare provider before using FIDENOX 40 MG (Enoxaparin) if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. The risks and benefits will be assessed based on your individual situation.


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