House No. 188, Shop No. 418
4th Floor, Royal Sandesh Dawa Bazar


BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES 200 MG are a potent antiseptic solution designed for vaginal use. These pessaries effectively combat infections, reduce inflammation, and promote a healthy vaginal environment.

BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES 200 MG contain iodine, a strong antiseptic agent known for its effectiveness in treating and preventing vaginal infections. These pessaries work by eliminating harmful microorganisms and reducing inflammation, providing fast relief and promoting vaginal health. Ideal for addressing bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections, BETADINE offers a trusted solution for maintaining vaginal hygiene.

Usage Instructions

  1. Consult a Healthcare Provider: Confirm suitability with your doctor before use.
  2. Insert the Pessary: Gently insert one pessary into the vaginal canal using the applicator provided.
  3. Frequency: Follow the dosage instructions as prescribed by your healthcare provider, typically one pessary daily or as directed.
  4. Duration: Use consistently for the full treatment period to ensure effectiveness.
  5. Hygiene: Wash hands before and after insertion to prevent contamination.

Medicinal Advantages

BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES 200 MG offer substantial medicinal benefits, primarily by providing an antiseptic effect that targets and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. This helps in treating and preventing infections, alleviating symptoms such as itching and discharge, and maintaining vaginal health.

Mechanism of Action

BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES work through the antimicrobial properties of iodine, which destroys bacteria, fungi, and viruses by disrupting their cellular structure. This action helps to clear infections and maintain a balanced vaginal flora, preventing the recurrence of symptoms.

Off-Label Uses

While primarily used for treating vaginal infections, BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES may also be used off-label for preoperative antiseptic care and as a preventive measure for recurrent infections, but this should be done under medical supervision.

Expert Advice

For best results, use BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES as prescribed and complete the full course of treatment. Avoid douching or using other vaginal products during treatment to ensure maximum effectiveness.


  1. Allergic Reactions: Avoid use if you are allergic to iodine or any components of the pessary.
  2. Pregnancy: Consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
  3. Preexisting Conditions: Inform your healthcare provider of any preexisting vaginal conditions or infections to avoid complications.

Storage Conditions

Store BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat. Ensure the product is kept in its original packaging to maintain its efficacy.


A: They are used to treat and prevent vaginal infections by providing an antiseptic effect.

A: Follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider, usually one pessary daily.

Q: Can I use BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES during menstruation?
A: Consult your healthcare provider. It’s generally recommended to use them outside of menstruation for best results.

Q: Are there any side effects of using BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES?
A: Possible side effects include local irritation or allergic reactions. If severe reactions occur, seek medical attention.

Q: How should I dispose of used BETADINE VAGINAL PESSARIES?
A: Dispose of used pessaries as per local waste disposal guidelines. Do not flush them down the toilet.


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