House No. 188, Shop No. 418
4th Floor, Royal Sandesh Dawa Bazar


B.D PrecisionGlide Needles are designed for precise and comfortable injections. Featuring ultra-sharp tips and a smooth, lubricated surface, these needles ensure accurate delivery and minimal discomfort for patients across a range of medical procedures.

B.D PrecisionGlide Needles are engineered to provide high accuracy and a comfortable injection experience. These needles feature an ultra-sharp, tri-beveled tip and a special coating that reduces friction, allowing for smooth and pain-free insertion. Suitable for a variety of medical applications, including insulin administration, blood draws, and other injections, PrecisionGlide Needles are manufactured with precision to ensure consistent performance and patient comfort. The high-quality construction adheres to rigorous safety standards, making them a reliable choice for healthcare professionals.

Usage Instructions:
Attach the B.D PrecisionGlide Needle securely to the syringe or injection device.
Clean the injection site with an antiseptic before administering the injection.
Insert the needle at the appropriate angle as per medical guidelines.
Administer the medication or perform the procedure as instructed.
Dispose of the needle in a designated sharps container immediately after use.

Medicinal Advantages:
Ultra-Sharp Tip: Provides precise and comfortable injections with minimal pain.
Lubricated Surface: Reduces friction for smoother insertion.
Consistent Performance: Ensures reliable and accurate delivery of medications.

Mechanism of Action:
The B.D PrecisionGlide Needle features a tri-beveled, ultra-sharp tip that allows for smooth penetration into the skin or vein, minimizing discomfort. The needle’s lubricated surface helps reduce resistance, ensuring a seamless injection process. The precision engineering ensures accurate and efficient delivery of medications or fluids.

Off-Label Uses:
B.D PrecisionGlide Needles can be used for various medical procedures beyond their primary indications, including certain diagnostic and therapeutic injections where precise delivery is critical.

Expert Advice:
For optimal results, ensure that the needle is properly attached to the syringe or injection device before use. Rotate injection sites as recommended to minimize discomfort and avoid tissue damage.

Single Use Only: Use the needle only once to prevent infection and ensure sharpness.
Inspect Before Use: Check for any damage or defects in the needle before use.
Proper Disposal: Dispose of used needles in a sharps container to avoid injuries and contamination.

Storage Conditions:
Store B.D PrecisionGlide Needles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep them in their original packaging until use to maintain sterility.

Q1: What types of procedures are B.D PrecisionGlide Needles suitable for?
A: These needles are suitable for various procedures including insulin injections, blood draws, and other medical injections requiring precise delivery.

Q2: Are B.D PrecisionGlide Needles available in different sizes?
A: Yes, B.D PrecisionGlide Needles are available in various gauges and lengths to accommodate different medical needs and patient requirements.

Q3: Can these needles be used with all types of syringes?
A: B.D PrecisionGlide Needles are compatible with most standard syringes and injection devices.

Q4: How can I ensure the needle is used safely?
A: Always use a new, sterile needle for each injection, inspect the needle before use, and dispose of it properly after use.

Q5: Do B.D PrecisionGlide Needles cause pain during injections?
A: The ultra-sharp, tri-beveled tip and lubricated surface are designed to minimize pain and discomfort during injections.


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