House No. 188, Shop No. 418
4th Floor, Royal Sandesh Dawa Bazar


ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION delivers a potent dose of Vitamin C, essential for boosting immune function and overall health. Ideal for managing Vitamin C deficiencies and supporting the body’s natural defenses.

ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION is a high-concentration Vitamin C supplement used to address deficiencies and support immune health. Each injection contains 500 mg of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), which plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis, antioxidant protection, and immune system support. ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION is typically administered by a healthcare professional to provide rapid and effective replenishment of Vitamin C, especially in cases of severe deficiency or when high doses are required.

Usage Instructions:
Dosage: Administered as directed by your healthcare provider. Typically, one injection of 500 mg is given at a time.
Administration: The injection should be given by a qualified healthcare professional, usually into the muscle or intravenously.
Frequency: Follow the schedule prescribed by your healthcare provider for optimal results.
Medicinal Advantages:
Immune Support: Enhances the immune system’s ability to fight infections and illnesses.
Antioxidant Protection: Provides powerful antioxidant effects, protecting cells from oxidative stress.
Collagen Synthesis: Supports the production of collagen, essential for healthy skin, bones, and connective tissues.
Mechanism of Action:
ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION contains Ascorbic Acid, a vital nutrient with antioxidant properties. Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative damage and supporting overall cellular health. Additionally, Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that maintains skin elasticity and supports the health of blood vessels, cartilage, and bones.

Off-Label Uses:
ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION may be used off-label for conditions requiring high-dose Vitamin C therapy, including certain chronic illnesses or as an adjunct to cancer treatments. Consult your healthcare provider for guidance on any off-label uses.

Expert Advice:
Ensure to follow the prescribed dosage and administration schedule provided by your healthcare professional. Regular monitoring may be required to assess the effectiveness and adjust dosage if necessary.

Allergies: Inform your healthcare provider if you have a known allergy to Vitamin C or any other components of the injection.
Kidney Function: High doses of Vitamin C can affect kidney function. Monitor kidney health if you have pre-existing conditions.
Concurrent Medications: Discuss any other medications or supplements you are taking with your healthcare provider to avoid potential interactions.
Storage Conditions:
Store ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Ensure that it is kept out of reach of children and used within the expiry date specified on the packaging.

Q: What is ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION used for?
A: ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION is used to provide high doses of Vitamin C for immune support, antioxidant protection, and collagen synthesis.

Q: How is ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION administered?
A: It should be administered by a healthcare professional, typically via an intramuscular or intravenous injection.

Q: Can ASCORCAN 500 INJECTION be used for conditions other than Vitamin C deficiency?
A: Yes, it may be used off-label for various conditions requiring high-dose Vitamin C therapy. Consult your healthcare provider for more information.

Q: What should I do if I experience side effects?
A: Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any unusual or severe side effects following the injection.

Weight 600 g


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